Desirable Outcome ; this represents what you desire to achieve. Unfortunately, it comes with its own heartaches. The outcomes when achieved can distract you and weaken your bond with the Lord making you susceptible to enemies’ strike
There is a way out; make your bond with the Lord your priority over the outcome continuously even in your effort at achieving your outcome. Your bond with the Lord is the constant in your life, that which you continually nourishes. It becomes the passion that drives every other thing. Even your desirable outcomes become the project of the Lord. So the passion you have developed for the Lord is what drives or motivate you to achieve your desirable outcomes
So your bond with the Lord is superior to your desirable outcome even though they are both tightly connected. What that does is that it removes the anxieties usually associated with our desirable outcomes. You thus make desirable outcomes the Lord’s responsibility and property.
Whenever desirable outcomes are threatened, that represent the perfect opportunity to prove/establish that the outcomes are the Lords’. You have yielded it/them to the Lord, so even if it becomes affected, that is how God wants it since it/they (desirable outcomes) belong to God. Your duty is to do your due diligence and leave the rest to God
When desirable outcome arrive (as they mostly will) with patience, you appreciate them but you are consumed by your bond with the Lord which now supersedes desirable outcomes through your regular nourishment of it